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Stream B - Deep Dives

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Stream B takes a "Deep Dive" into a few key topic areas as selected by the organisation. You'll split off into smaller groups and in short 15 minute sessions, you'll get to hear an in depth review of the topics below:



Room 1

Room 2

15 mins each

Diving into Data and Digital – Simone Stuart Cole/Ampea Boateng/Chunjiang Jia

Achieving Project Excellence: JOULE – Audrey Bowie Cameron

15 mins each 

Knowledge Management: Our Strategy – Dan Hindmarsh

Working Collaboratively with the Cables Product Team  - Alex Neumann/Charlotte Strang-Moran


Contact Information

If you need anything at all during the conference, please contact a member of the Corporate Affairs Team

Vicki Sharpe - Marketing Communications Manager - 07889 806497

If you cannot find any of the CA team, please flag to the event organisers who can be found at the stage set up.