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Travel Arrangements

Travelling from Blyth by Coach:

The bus from Blyth will depart for Gosforth at 11:30 am sharp. Please arrive from 11.05 am and check-in with a member of the Corporate Affairs Team. It is your responsibility to arrive and check in before the coach departs at 11:30 am.

Blyth to Gosforth Bus List

Travelling from Glasgow by Coach:

The bus from Glasgow will depart for Gosforth at 8:30 am sharp. Please arrive from 8 am and check in with a member of the Corporate Affairs Team. It is your responsibility to arrive and check in before the coach departs at 8:30 am.

Stuart McLellan - 07841 338 190

Shona Owen - 07762983910

Pamela Bailey - 07591339384

Glasgow to Gosforth Bus List


Travelling from Elsewhere:

If you are making your own travel arrangements please make Vicki Sharpe ( aware as soon as possible if you have not done so already.

Please make sure you are onsite by 11.45 am for a start time of 12 pm.

Return Journey:

The coaches will begin to depart from 1.30 pm onwards on the afternoon of Wednesday 2nd October

Gosforth to Glasgow (Return) Bus List

Gosforth to Blyth (Return & site visit) Bus List

Return to Glasgow following Site Tour (Wednesday 2nd October, 7:30pm):

Blyth to Glasgow (Site Tour Return) Bus List

Taxi Booking:

We have set up an account specifically for the Team Conference for those travelling locally with our supplier from Phoenix Taxi's.

For any travel on the 1st and 2nd of October only, you can call Phoenix Taxi's on 01670 540 222.

In order to book on our account you must:

- have the drop off or pick up location set as Gosforth Park Hotel

- Use the password "sausage roll"

- Use Team Conference and your name as the reference


If you have any issues, please get in touch with Blyth admin to assist.


Contact Information

If you need anything before the conference please contact Vicki Sharpe, alternatively please contact a member of the Corporate Affairs team.